Saturday, January 5, 2013

Crunchy Body: Starting Jenny Craig

Well people.... Last week I lay in bed touching my dry skinned legs and realized they left larger than their usual largeness. So I made the call. Time to get back on Jenny Craig. I did it successfully over the summer after I packed on a whopping 20 pounds without looking, but I lost the 20 in 8 weeks and it was relatively painless. So here I am again, I have 5-10 to lose - I'd be happy with 5.
Here's what my freezer looks like. Prepackaged breakfast, lunch & dinner - all frozen. I add fresh fruits, veggies and dairy. The food is pretty good. Especially when you cook it in the oven or a skillet instead of a nasty microwave - those are yucky anyway.
Plus, being a wife and a mother I get the added pleasure of still cooking all the meals for my family. Yay for me! Not.
Wish me luck!

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