Friday, January 4, 2013

A Crunchy Update: Bittersweet Kid Sleep

Well, how was my night?
Started out i was feeling rather blue, my daughter was asleep in her own bed. I had to remind myself it was for the best - and it is.
Then I realized I could get in my bed alone and read a magazine and then I was jumping for joy! I haven't done that - or much else - in my own bed in a long long time. So up the stairs I went with a text from my husband that he was coming home early (which would still be very late)
My first wake up came when I heard him come home, which I thought was our daughter falling from her bed.
My second wake up was a short hour or so later when my daughter woke up crying, realizing she was alone.
My third and final was when she woke again, this time, soaking wet as she peed through her diaper and jammies and soaked the brand new bed (luckily we have a waterproof cover.) By then she knew that I wasn't really sleeping with her and she was calling my bluff by staying awake. I was so tired but I didn't give in - entirely. My husband, who was in bed by this time, said "just bring her in here" No way.  I will not give in.
So I slept in there.

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