Monday, January 14, 2013

Crunchy Country: Do It Yourself; Update a Dresser

I am always looking for a bargain. My husband says I sometimes shop at "" and gets annoyed when things are crappy (and I admit, some of the stuff on the internet is crap)
But I often go to consignments shops and I happen to love the Goodwill.
My daughter needed a small dresser that would fit in her closet (don't want to take up princess space in the actual bedroom) and I found something perfect at the Goodwill for $20! It's well constructed, heavy and real wood. How can that be bad. It definitely wasn't princessy or pretty and I was going to paint it white but that would be too annoying, so I changed out the hardware and it is instantly better!
Here is before:
And here is after:
I found the handles on Etsy - they are so cute and the artist makes tons of different ones. I just ordered some mermaids to use as hooks for the backs of the doors.
Here is a link to the page because I am just that kind of girl:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Crunchy Country Dilemma: To Baby or Not to Baby?

Pardon me for being too personal but I suppose that's what blogging is: getting personal. So here's the country dilemma: to baby or not? I have been going back and forth since we moved here. And I think I cracked the code today. I don't want to share my daughter with my husband. She is in school for three hours a day now, so that does give me a tiny break, which I have been desperate for. But lately, those three hours are filled with running around working on our house that is still in progress. And although I often feel stressed and overwhelmed and always take on more than I should, my daughter and I spend all of our time together and we are very close. If we add another child to our family, I won't be able to love my daughter the same way. Obviously, I will always love my daughter and as life changes and we change, so will the way we love, but a baby needs. And needs a lot. And if a baby were to be brought into our picture, my husband would have to take over a lot with our daughter. And I don't think I am ready to lose her.... yet.